An Uncompromising Vision

We didn’t set out to be the largest architecture firm, the most celebrated designers, or to win the most visible projects. We set out to fundamentally improve the quality of life in the built environment. With a radically new perspective on the role of nature in architecture, we created a standard and ethos that pushes the boundaries of design, and attracts people from all walks of life.

Design that makes you feel

With an innate drive to design and create better experiences for people, we started building homes that people actually wanted to live in. From the layout to the furniture to the garden, we considered everything. While this made things more difficult and complex, it put us on the map and we became a brand people wanted to be a part of. Over 27 years later, our passion has taken us places we couldn’t have imagined, from designing and building homes to making furniture to crafting our own beer.

To inspire people to make a difference!

Through the experiences we provide, we hope to inspire the artist in you, to passionately and meticulously create work that is impactful and can make a difference to our world.

Total Environment


Total Environment


We are dedicated to forging a future characterized by environmentally and socially conscious residences and industrial advancements. Sustainability forms an integral aspect of our unique offerings, seamlessly integrated into projects right from their inception. As pioneers in India's real estate sector, we have gained approval for Science-Based Targets (SBTi), marking our pursuit to achieve carbon neutrality in alignment with the Total Environment's 2040 Carbon Neutrality Goals. In line with this commitment, we have pledged to develop exclusively Net Zero (energy, waste, and water) buildings by 2030, an impressive two decades ahead of the Paris Agreement's stipulations.

Sustainability at the Heart

1.1. Complete Green Portfolio

Since 2013, we have upheld a steadfast commitment to maintaining a fully green portfolio. Every one of our projects has achieved a rating of IGBC gold and above, or GRIHA 3 star and above.

1.2. Achieving Carbon Neutrality

Our determination extends to achieving carbon neutrality by 2040 for both our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, encompassing our entire business operations. This aligns with the overarching carbon neutrality commitment of the Total Environment. The adoption of Science-Based Targets plays a pivotal role in guiding us towards carbon neutrality within Total Environment Lifespaces.

If you intend to buy property in Total Environment, it will be viewed as a strong investment option with high value appreciation prospects given the area's scope for growth.

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